I am an architectural designer based in San Francisco. I aspire to help make the built environment more livable, sustainable, and equitable through housing accessibility, better materials, and better labor practices.

I am pursuing these goals as a designer at David Baker Architects, an executive editor of The Last Straw magazine, and a director on the board of the California Straw Building Association.

I have collaboratively designed and built a housing project at the Auburn University Rural Studio, and fabricated custom architectural features with the DBA_Workshop.

I believe that regenerative building (which to me includes: maintenance, repair, building less, adaptive reuse, bioregional construction methods, a circular construction economy, biobased material use, equitable supply chains, and environmental stewardship) is critical for architects to successfully address both the housing and climate crises.

I'm interested in all the ways that people are pursuing regenerative building, in whole or in part, through practice or policy. And I'm particularly interested in the intersection of regenerative building methods and affordable housing. If that's something you're interested in too let's talk about it!


→ La Avenida Apartments DBA
→ The Villages at 995 East Santa Clara DBA
→ Horseshoe Farm Homes AURS

→ I was interviewed along with The Last Straw Editorial Collective on the Building Sustainability Podcast

I am always happy to be reached by Email, LinkedIn, or Instagram :)